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Excel Tips & tricks
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End date using conditional formatting (1:31)
AI formulas (2:04)
Track your shipment (1:51)
3 Ways to autofit rows and columns (1:20)
Filling Series (1:05)
Control dates format (1:18)
Removing grid lines (0:30)
Combine data using VSTACK (0:48)
Pivot tables time line (1:45)
Sort & Unique Functions (1:21)
Dynamic Borders (1:00)
status check list (1:35)
Adding values (1:51)
Deleting spaces (0:29)
3 arrays functions you need to know (1:01)
Subtotal option (1:49)
GROUPBY function (1:08)
Combine excel sheet in same workbook using power query (2:06)
Dead line tracker (2:13)
Capitalization function (0:58)
Dates at pivot tables (1:48)
Choose cols & take & choose rows (1:17)
Conditional formatting trick (1:36)
Delete blank rows (0:50)
Progress chart (2:10)
TEXTSPLIT function (0:42)
Convert excel into pdf using CHATGPT (2:01)
Create folders from names (1:55)
Dependent drop down list (2:25)
Text functions (2:14)
Dead line tracker
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