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ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence for Microsoft Excel
Introduction (3:05)
What i should know (0:20)
How to use exercise files (0:35)
1-Built-in Excel AI tools
1-Flash fill for fast data (4:22)
2-Let Excel write formulas for you (4:08)
3-Column from example at power query (7:49)
4-Analyze data in excel (5:40)
2-Getting started with ChatGPT
1-How to get ChatGPT (2:28)
2-Getting started with ChatGPT (4:37)
3-Using ChatGPT for Excel formulas
1-Using ChatGPT to create simple formula (3:46)
2-ChatGPT with Excel tables (3:29)
3-Getting more advanced - fixing error (5:51)
4-Advanced formulas with ChatGPT
1-Write lookup formulas with ChatGPT (4:42)
2-Write an excel formula from data in image (6:02)
3-Explain complex formulas (3:11)
4-Explain complex formulas with file upload (2:47)
5-Debug and fix Excel formulas with ChatGPT (5:02)
6-Trouble shooting Excel formula with ChatGPT (4:32)
7-Improve existing formula (4:26)
5-Data cleaning and transformation with ChatGPT
1-Transform data from a pdf by copying into chatgpt 3.5 (4:00)
2-upload excel file to chatgpt for transformation (3:55)
3-Clean a pdf and convert csv file using ChatGPT (4:10)
6-Data analysis using ChatGPT
1-Compare lists with ChatGPT (2:01)
2-Ask ChatGPT for data insights (5:20)
3-Use ChatGPT to generate visuals not native to excel (7:46)
4-Sentiment analysis on customer comments with ChatGPT (5:49)
7-ChatGPT with macros done
1-Write basic macro with ChatGPTdone (5:36)
2-Export as pdf (2:47)
3-Explain vba code (2:27)
1-Flash fill for fast data
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