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Excel essential training
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Course Intro (1:47)
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Section 1 - Getting started with excel
Exercise file
01-Menu system (3:38)
02-quick access toolbar (4:16)
03-formulabar- name box (2:11)
04-status bar (4:21)
Section 2 - Entering Data
Exercise files
01-Entering data (1:12)
02-Autofill (4:08)
03-Dates and times (1:59)
04-Comments (1:49)
Section 3 - Creating Formulas and Functions
Exercise files
01-Creating simple formulas (3:25)
02-Copy formula (2:52)
03-Working with relative, absolute references (3:48)
04-autosum (2:08)
05-Excel Basic functions (7:16)
Section 4 - Formatting
Exercise files
01-fonts (3:53)
02-align wrap merge (2:45)
03-Border (1:55)
04-numbers (4:35)
05-date and time format (4:16)
06-condtional formatting (4:50)
07-Tables (5:16)
Section 5 - Adjusting worksheet layout and data
Excercise files
01-insert delete (1:05)
02-Hide-Unhide (1:21)
03-Move copy replace (1:33)
Section 6 - Adjusting worksheet views
Excercise files
01-freeze panes (1:22)
02-spiliting (1:25)
03-Collapsing and expanding data views with outlining (2:10)
Section 7 - Security
Excercise files
01-Unlocking cells and protecting worksheets (4:34)
02-Assigning passwords to workbooks (1:27)
03-Protecting workbooks (2:08)
Section 8 - IF function
Excercise files
01-Simple if (3:04)
02-Nested if (4:14)
03-compounf if (2:59)
Section 9 - Vlookup
Excercise files
01-Vlookup exact match (5:42)
02-Vlookup approximate match (3:39)
Section 10 - Count family
Excercise files
01- count family (4:12)
02- count family (3:25)
Section 11 - data management features
Excercise files
01-Sorting (4:18)
02-filter (4:30)
03-subtotal (3:31)
04-Splitting data (1:41)
05-flashfill (1:28)
06-remove duplicates (1:02)
07-data validation (3:04)
Section 12 - Pivot tables
Excercise files
01-Crearting pivot tables (3:31)
02-Manipulating PivotTable data (1:38)
03-Grouping by date and time (1:53)
04-other grouping (1:11)
Test 1
Good Bye (0:20)
03-Working with relative, absolute references
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