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Data analysis using pivot tables
Intro (2:14)
Exercise files
1-Creating and pivoting pivot tables
1-Format data for use in a PivotTable (7:41)
2-Create pivot tables (4:11)
3-Pivot a pivot table (4:09)
4-Configure a pivot table (3:49)
5-Manage Pivot tables (2:30)
2-Summrize pivot tables data
1-Manage subtotal and grand total (4:10)
2-Change the data field summary operation (3:58)
3-Summarize more than one data field (2:44)
4-Manage dates in a PivotTable (3:39)
5-Create a calculated field (2:19)
6-Use PivotTable data in a formula (2:53)
7-Drill down to the underlying data (1:58)
3-Sorting and filtering pivot table data
1-Sort Pivot Table data (2:03)
2-Create a custom sort order modified (2:09)
3-Filter a PivotTable field by selection (1:05)
4-Filter a PivotTable using slicers (3:44)
5-slicer formatting and options modify (7:11)
4-Format Pivot tables
1-Apply a PivotTable style (2:17)
2-Create a PivotTable style (2:56)
3-Change the PivotTable layout (1:47)
4-Change the data field number format (1:52)
5-Creating and formatting pivot charts
1-Create a Pivot Chart (3:00)
2-Pivot a Pivot Chart (1:31)
3-Filter and sorting Pivot Chart (4:10)
4-Format a Pivot Chart (3:00)
5-Change the chart type of a Pivot Chart (1:04)
6-Change the layout of a Pivot Chart (3:41)
6-Enabling and adding tables to the data model
1-Prepare data to create relationship (1:57)
2-Create a Pivot Table using the data model (5:35)
2-Create a PivotTable style
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